Friday, March 13, 2009

Maybe it is the Sunshine

So maybe it is the sunshine...I feel a shift. I think we (American's) are "over it" with the economy and all the talk about "Great Depression in the 21st Century".

Yes- everyone has tightened their belts- but it feels like instead of going for that extra notch - that extra 1/2 inch. We, the country, said - ENOUGH - I am wealthy and I am not going to take it anymore!

Anyway- that is what I felt and told my husband last night. He isn't sure-but lets see if my gut is correct...??

How will this effect the people who do have it hard- I don't know.

Buddist Thought of the Day
In this world the wise one holds onto confidence and wisdom. Those are the greatest treasures; all other riches are pushed aside. - Buddha...

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