Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday, Monday

The little one is still sick. I have another Dr. appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning. Terrible night time coughing. When the little one is sick, I don't get a chance to sleep. I am functioning quite well for little sleep due to Claritin-D allergy medication. I made it to work on time and I have been quite productive.

Spring is here in the NW. Cheery trees are in bloom- see. I didn't take the picture, but I will see if I can get some pictures of my own this evening or tomorrow morning.

My current garden/yard plans are as follows:
  1. Buy a Magnolia tree
  2. Plant tree
  3. Replace siding on front of house
  4. Replace front walkway with flagstone
  5. Create rain garden (two corners of the front yard)
  6. Plant low bushes in towards the house.
  7. Replace small rock retaining wall
  8. Install front yard fence
  9. Make a bench from old tree trunk
Zen quote of the day:
Over the ages you have followed objects,
Never once turning back to look within.
Time slips away;
Months and years are wasted.

- Kuei-Shan (771-854)

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